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The maintenance Management allows you to create, edit and delete all your hotel maintenance jobs and staff. You can manually create maintenance jobs with an array of options example, a gardening weekly schedule so it repeats.

The top first row is divided in 5 sections:

The first section displays a set of icons with instructions, they are applied to the bottom maintenance table.

  • This icon represents a repeating maintenance schedule
  • This icon represents an urgent maintenance job
  • This icon represents a pending start maintenance job
  • This icon represents a started maintenance job but put on hold
  • This icon represents a successfully complete maintenance job

The second section displays the current day number of maintenance job statuses.

  • Total maintenance jobs
  • Pending maintenance jobs
  • Onhold maintenance jobs
  • Complete maintenance jobs

The third section displays the View Maintenance Calendar button. Pressing it displays a weekly calendar view that lists all jobs per day plus, each day displays the total number of pending, on-hold and complete maintenance jobs.

From the maintenance calendar page you may also manually add a maintenance job, please refer to the next section.

The fourth section displays the Manually Add a Job button.

  • Job Date, select the date for the job
  • Job Name, write the job name
  • Job Description, write the job description or task that need to be executed by your maintenance staff
  • Select Staff Dept. or User, assumes you already created an maintenance department (with several users) or a single user. For assigning maintenance Department or User please refer to the fifth section
  • Select Urgency, lists if the maintenance job should be marked as urgent
    • Not Urgent
    • Urgent, the job jumps to the top of the maintenance table list and is marked with a light red color in order for your staff take care of it as soon as possible
  • Select Schedule, lists options to execute the maintenance job once or, repeat / cycle the hotel maintenance job in a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. Selecting any repeating schedule will change icon into a schedule selection
    • Once, the job does not repeat
    • Repeat, the job will be put on schedule
      • Daily
      • Weekly
      • Monthly
  • Send Email to Maintenance Staff, specially useful for urgent jobs, if selected all maintenance department staff members or single user will receive an email with the maintenance job specification
    • No
    • Yes

The fifth section displays the Assign Staff button. Usually done once except if you want to change the Department or single user of your maintenance jobs. If you need to create a user, department or assign a user to a department please refer to Users.

  • Select Staff Dept. or User, lists all your users and departments so you can select one for maintenance jobs

The Maintenance table lists all your current maintenance jobs, one per row. Repeating future jobs will not be displayed since their date is not the current day date.

You can filter the maintenance table, order the list and, change the default number of table entries.

  • The first column displays the maintenance job icons described in first section that apply to that specific job row
  • Date, displays the maintenance job due date
  • Name, displays maintenance job name
  • Cycle Type, if the maintenance job is set to repeat or cycle schedule it displays the schedule (daily, weekly or monthly). If the job was set to occur only once it displays for no Cycle Type
  • Next Cycle Date, displays the next Cycle Type date or for no Next Cycle Type Date
  • Staff Assigned, displays the department or single user assigned to the job
  • Description, displays the maintenance job description or tasks to be executed by your staff
  • Status, displays the current maintenance job status, pending, onHold or complete
  • Options, displays the job Edit button, where you can edit the job or delete the job

It's also worth mentioning the special mobile or tablet responsive design of this page, intended for your maintenance department staff or single maintenance user. With a simplified view and extra large buttons to easily change the maintenance job statuses.